How “Smart” Plumbing Can Lower Your Water Bill

How 'Smart' Plumbing Can Lower Your Water Bill

California has experienced droughts throughout history because much of the state has an arid climate and a desert landscape. And with the longer dry spells due to climate change, residents have seen a significant increase in their water bill, with some cities like San Francisco even experiencing water rates soaring 119-127% between 2010 and 2017. 

Los Angeles, Napa Valley, and communities in Fresno County have also seen a significant increase in their water bills. 


Use ‘Smart’ Plumbing to Lower Water Bill 

While efficient appliances and more conscientious water use can help, “smart” plumbing remains the most efficient way to lower your utility bills, as suggested by plumbing expert Patrick’s Hot Water which shares some “advanced” water-saving tips. 


Stop Leaks

Running toilets, home water treatment units, broken faucets, outdoor sprinkler systems, and water-using appliances are the most common sources of leaks. 


Use Smart Toilets

Toilets account for about 30% of indoor water consumption in the average US household. However, using dual-flush toilets and other EPA WaterSense-certified designs can slash your bathroom water consumption by up to 80%. To put this in perspective, a family of four can save up to 16,000 gallons of water annually with “smart toilets.”


Go Low-Flow

Studies have shown that low-flow faucets and showerheads use 60 percent less water than standard features. 

On average, a regular shower head uses 2.5 gallons a minute versus less than 2 gallons a minute used by “smart” shower heads, resulting in huge savings as showering accounts for around 17% of household indoor water use. 


Use Faucet Aerators

These small screens are screwed onto the faucet head and showerhead to deliver a mixture of water and air, creating a non-splashing stream. When combined with a low-flow design, faucet aerators use 20% less water or about 3,500 gallons of water annually than the standard faucet. 


Consider Water Softener Filtration System 

This filtration system treats hard water by removing high concentrations of magnesium, calcium, and other minerals. With soft water, you can use less soap and water, lower your energy consumption, and do house cleaning more efficiently. 


Check Your Hot Water Heater 

Sediment buildup causes your water heating system to use more energy and forces you to run water excessively to reach the “comfortable” temperature,” sending clean water down the drain. According to an Environment Protection Agency report, the average household wastes 12,000 gallons of water annually due to inefficient hot water heaters. 


Hire a Plumping Expert 

A professional plumber can perform water conservation inspection and identify “silent” leaks which not only spike your utility bills but also cause mold and mildew and compromise your floors and walls if left untreated for too long.



If you have leaking pipes and other plumbing problems, contact Patrick’s Hot Water which serves Rocklin, Granite Bay, Roseville, Lincoln, Loomis, and other areas nearby. 

Give us a call (916)824-5131 today and talk to us about your plumbing and water heater needs!